Sunday, April 12, 2009

If I Eat Ginkgo Biloba, Will It Reverse The Negative Memory Effects Of Marijuana Use?

Since Ginkgo Biloba has been proven to significantly improve memory, if I smoke marijuana, will it reverse the negative effects that marijuana has on the memory?

If I Eat Ginkgo Biloba, Will It Reverse The Negative Memory Effects Of Marijuana Use?
I seriously doubt it. The memory effects of grass go away if you go sober for about a month. I only smoke once a week now to conserve... it gets you higher, you dont have to worry about building a tolerance, you save money, and it keeps your memory going. i used to smoke daily, and i still occasionally binge, but i highly recommend going the once a week route if you have any questions about its mental effects.
Reply:Nope, it wont. Sorry
Reply:marijuana dosent affect...what was the question again?
Reply:Sure. Eat it.
Reply:Probably not but keep us posted if you can remember.
Reply:Honestly - what do you really think!!!!!!!
Reply:Go for it, it couldn%26#039;t hurt. Is your memory getting fuzzy lately?
Reply:LOL uh NO
Reply:Ginkgo is designed to improve blood flow to the brain and therefore more oxygen, which in some people helps with memory and high blood pressure. But the short answer is I do not think so. Check put the source below for more help
Reply:Not smoking Marijuana and letting your body naturally heal itself will be your only way.
Reply:If your stupid enough to try marijuana, knowing the health risk. Then your dumb enough to believe anything and to try anything.
Reply:No, but you%26#039;ll be high and have a B-o-n-e-r all the time. LOL
Reply:no. but you can enhance your remaining brain cells by taking some prescriptive drugs. go ask your neurologist about this drug.
Reply:maybe, but i bet your gonna just go smoke some more of that mary jane so whats the point duuuude!? woo otoke it

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